feminine wiles

     So I  wanted to  have a nice brunch at a bar, you know what I mean , a nice martini with a side of scotch .you know the good stuff right ? Anyways there was this way to happy bartender behind the counter and I tried to use my feminine wiles to tempt him into giving me a free drink ..I even tried the line  "Hey there big boy "  Lets just say after 20 minutes of me running my hands down my chest as I talk and winking a little bit to much ..  he said I'm not his type and I need manly wiles to keep his attention … nothing wrong with that …but what's most wrong is I had to pay for my drink ….I'm not even sure he did it properly right . because when I was seducing him ,it was like for 20 solid minute's and he was shaking that same  shaker for 20 minutes even as I walked away with little bit of dignity I had and found a little chair in corner he was still shaking that thing like his life depended on it... his loss though  I was even willing to do the "act like I drop something and pick it up ,snap back pose  for him"
   Outfit: Apl.Blossom Barcelona Jumpsuit #2
    Hat:Beautiful dirty rich- Mafisoa Fedora har
    Hair: Truth -Shadow Fatpack
    Location: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Seter/237/188/25


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