Babe Bad news & Good news,bad news i broke your flying thing,but good news my outfits fire proof !

                                                     Luas Rebel Maitreya Red@kustom 9
                                                   Luas Rebel Maitreya Pants Red@kustom 9
                                            Doux-Brandie Hairstyle[Deluxe hud]@ equal 10
                                                  =Dae=be Bad bento pose Set Pack

So this is actually one of my favorite outfits that I got from kustom 9, not going lie it took me a while to find a pose I liked for this.The last picture  is basically how the  poses is suppose to look like ,they come with a bat and a lot of other poses but I think these two poses ended up being  my favorite ..though I do have one more pose  in that pack I plan on using in another future picture. Believe it or not though this outfit wasent that much being only 229 L ,extremely worth the prize  ,luas is slowly but surely becoming a fan of mines .As for the location, it was mostly a kinda "if you want destruction " type of place to visit for pictures its great but for like I want meet people sim.. yeah not so much. .


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