Neko Vs Cats

 So I know you guys are wondering where I've been lately.
 Have I gotten myself into trouble ? Am  I on the most wanted list yet ?
… hum for my safety I'm not answering any of that …
Anyways if you must know something  ,I will tell you  I've been trying to have a whole geisha moment while in Japan .
I would love to say I have a spectacular time , I want say I ate sushi, I also want to say I viewed the cherry blossoms ,but Sadly with my luck none of that is accurate .
My first day of japan is how you would say ...very lack luster... for the first few hours ..though  it was like 6am i guess everyone was sleeping.
As I was walking around Tokyo looking all cute.. I heard a whole bunch of laughing and meowing … up a hill at the temple.. so I wandered up and met some  cats eating and gambling with uno cards..
When they invited me to sit and join in I started a game with them and of course I cheated... I mean … we were gambling after all..and don't judge me my dad always told me if your not cheating your not trying hard enough. So through my winnings …. I won all their catnip and money. As I got up to walk away this crazy ass cat with a parasol attacked me ..saying I was cheating .  I fended  him off as best as I could and when I thought I finally lost him he came for me again at a bench I was sitting at when I was trying to freaking admire cherry blossoms .He used that Damn Parasol to cut off my braids... he cut off my hair for god sakes.. I mean I could just buy another wig but that's not the point... anyways...So annoyed as I was I cut that stupid parasol down with my blade and skimmed  up the nearest  roof and  jump across the roofs trying avoid that damn cat... It took about half the day to lose him... I sat on roof for a while before getting up to jump down and spend the money I rightfully earned for some sushi  before he came out nowhere with another damn parasol... where the heck is he getting so many from first of all ??? He jumped me and told me he wasn't letting me go until I gave back all the money ..and that his cat friends was coming for me because they know I cheated I did the only thing a respectable thing a neko could do at the time..Can you guess what that is ? Yeah I bribed him …. and gave him half of everything as we waited for sun to set.. ready to beat up the cats that we knew was going to come... to make the story short and cut to the chase... I'm not going back to japan anytime know what I'm not leaving country... or my room for this matter
Outfit:***Ambrosia***KALAVINKA[black] ~Maitreya @ Neo Japan event 
Poses: Poseidon Blade Complete 1-6 @ Neo Japan event
Mask:ExalteD - Gacha Mask {BLACK}@ Neo Japan event(gacha)
Animal Prop: Blue_B){-Maru Kado-} Kasamawashi cat (Animesh)@ Neo japan event (gacha)
Hair: Ayashi -YukikoHair @ Neo Japan Event
- I went to a lot places for these pictures so xD I gave you one the locations


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