Take it to the house !
Outfit Top:[Wellmade]Zephyr Top Pants:Spirit-Dove Jeans-DarkBlue Shoes:[Versov]Leeov_Maitreya box rare-gacha Pose: =Dae=pulsation[Bento pose] Hair: #BesomxReign-ashley*all tones* So as you can see I had a lot fun taking photos for this particular pose & outfit XD The location is here:http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Spacedust/148/72/16 Though if you do go make sure to grab the meter & LCD hud before entering or it will kick you out the place is awesome though ~ its a roleplay sim with Actual rp money , and you don't have to be a specific person or avatar ..which screams originality to me ,im kind of obsessed with the place for like right now lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GSDMIXmctMc